
I am a lecturer at University College Dublin and I teach the following modules at the Autumn trimester (Sept to Dec).

  1. COMP 41720: Distributed Systems
  2. COMP 41670: Software Engineering

Until 2023 August, I was teaching at the Beijing Dublin International College (a joint venture between University College Dublin and Beijing University of Technology) where I taught the following modules:

  1. EEEN 3002J: Microcontrollers
  2. EEEN 3009J: Digital Communication
  3. EEEN 3008J: Wireless Communication

I am a keen follower of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) and I try to employ them in my teaching practice. Here are some testimonials my students provided when I started video-based teaching to support my classroom lectures well before the pandemic when video-based learning became common.


Here are some examples of my video tutorials:

  1. Discrete Memoryless Channel and ArgMax function: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMdwMxpJFr8
  2. Introduction to Microcontroller Lab on ADC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqwoK9OjX54